Singles and Solos

 "Singles and Solos"

is  comprised of not only our single Act2 members,

but married folks that have a spouse who is not interested

in certain activities

so they can join the singles as a "solo"


Please join us on Saturday, September 28

at Ironwood Café for our Fall Reunion, at 11:30am.

Let’s get together and make some plans!

Email Carol at

by Sept. 20th for reservations.

Watch for Email blasts for other spur of the moment events, like the Scavenger Stroll! Call Carol Alexander at 910-295-9591 or cell (910) 603-3728 or email Debbie Anderson to join or for other singles/solos group activity suggestions.

Watch for Email blasts for other spur of the moment events!

Call Carol Alexander

at 910-295-9591 or cell (910) 603-3728 or email Debbie Anderson at

to join or for other singles/solos group activity
