We would love to have new members join us. If interested, please email
JoAnne Hansz
The ladies of Satiating Stories will meet at the .
Table on the Green on October 23rd at 11:30 AM to dine and discuss
"The Book Woman's Daughter" by Kim Michele Richardson.
This is the sequel to "The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek"
which the group has read previously.
Please let JoAnne know by Oct. 21st if you plan to attend.
Jeanie Riordan, founder of Satiating Stories,
will return to the group in November to lead the discussion of a book she recommended,
"Lost Boy Found" by Kirsten Alexander.
We will dine at the Midland Bistro on November 20, 2024 at 11:30 AM.
The group is meeting a week early due to Thanksgiving.
Please let me or Jeanie (jeanriordan2@gmail) know
if you plan to attend by November 18th. In the meantime,